Here at South Florence Baptist Church,
we desire to show God’s love so that we can impact you in the most positive way possible.
It isn’t always easy to walk into somewhere new,
so we’d like to help you as much as we are able!
Below, we have listed our standing Weekly Worship Schedule and answers to a few questions that you may have… 
  • Life Journey
 We start off Sunday Mornings at 9:00am with a small group atmosphere. this is an opportunity for both visitors and members to get plugged in with people in the same phases of life as you and grow together in a Christ centered setting.
  •  Sunday Morning Worship
On Sunday mornings, we begin at 10am in the sanctuary and end around 11:30am. We start off with a time of prayer and worship, followed by preaching that’s centered on the Word of God.
  •  Sunday Evening Worship   
Join us at 5pm on Sunday evenings for prayer, worship, and preaching in the sanctuary. 
  • D-Life (beginning on September 6th & September 10th)
Living the D-Life means living a lifestyle of disciple making. D-Life groups takes place on Sundays at 6:00pm following evening service and on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
  •  Mid Week Worship
On Wednesday we meet at 6:30pm. We begin with music and a time of prayer before we split off into our D-Life groups.
What Do I Wear?
Here at SFBC, we dress more casual/business casual.
  Sunday mornings tend to be a little more “dressed-up”,
while our other times of worship are dressed down.
We are so excited to welcome our visitors and strongly
encourage you to come just as you are!
Where Do I Park? 
When you arrive at SFBC, drive to the back of our church where our parking is located. We do offer visitor parking to make things easier and those spaces are located on the left side of our parking lot. Of course, you are free to park where ever you wish. If someone needs help getting out of your vehicle, feel free to pull under the awning where one of our First Impression team members will be happy to help! 
Where Do I Enter?  
Our main entrance is visible from the parking lot. We enter and exit through the double glass doors under the awning. Our First Impressions Team will be there
to welcome you and offer help with directions or answer any questions you may have! First Time visitors are encouraged to stop by our Connection Desk.
We’ll have a small gift which also contains information
about some of the ministries available here at SFBC.